Due to the overwhelming interest in the Virtual Basic PM Short Course, the course will be offered On-Demand from August 10–14, 2020, so encourage more participate across the globe. No travel, no hotel, and a reduced, virtual-only registration rate through July 8.
A revised edition of “A Collection of Powder Characterization Standards for Metal Additive Manufacturing” was recently released. The publication contains nine existing MPIF Standard Test Methods that can be applicable for the characterization of powders used in metal additive manufacturing (AM) processes, with an explanation of each standard. These standards, intended to present and clarify PM technology as an aid in conducting business, relate to those activities that concern designers, manufacturers, and users of metal AM parts.
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The World Congress on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials (WorldPM2020) only happens every six years in North America. This global event brings together global powder metallurgy (PM) leaders for three conferences sintered into one global event in Montreal, Canada, June 27–July 1, 2020
The annual Basic Powder Metallurgy (PM) Short Course wrapped up its 55th session last week with 74 students in attendance. This year’s course was held August 12–14, and received excellent feedback from attendees, with over 100% stating that they would recommend the course to others.
The program committee for the Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy Conference (AMPM2020) has issued a “Call for Papers & Posters” covering the latest developments in the fast-growing field of metal additive manufacturing (AM). The AMPM Conference has grown significantly since its debut in 2014 as the only conference focused on metal AM, and this year there will be an entire extra day of technical sessions. This is only the second time that the AMPM Conference will be held with the co-located World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials (WorldPM2020) will and the International Conference on Tungsten, Refractory & Hardmaterials. All three events will be held in Montréal, Canada, June 27–July 1, 2020, at the Montréal Convention Center.