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Researchers win Emerald Literati Award for proving Additive Manufacturing material kills Covid-19

The successful collaboration project found that an additively manufactured antiviral copper-tungsten-silver (Cu-W-Ag) material killed 100% of the Covid-19 virus (Courtesy University of Wolverhampton)

Researchers at the University of Wolverhampton have been announced as the winners of the Emerald Literati Award 2022, recognized for their contribution to ‘outstanding scholarly research’ after their successful collaboration project found that an additively manufactured antiviral copper-tungsten-silver (Cu-W-Ag) material kills 100% of the Covid-19 virus.

Zak Fang Wins Humboldt Award

Zhigang “Zak” Fang, FAPMI, materials sciences and metallurgical engineering professor, University of Utah, is the recipient of the prestigious Humboldt Research Award. Fang has developed a breakthrough technology that can produce high-quality, low-carbon emitting titanium powder at a significantly reduced cost. Known as the Hydrogen Assisted Metallothermic Reduction (HAMR) process, the technology developed by Fang is based on the discovery of new science about the effects of hydrogen on the stability of titanium solid solutions with high oxygen content (up to 14wt%.)

PM Flashback

Volume 25, No. 5, June 1996


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